Sunday, April 4, 2010

April 4th Homework

baby sitting in front of computer screen
Kaia's story is so inspirational to me. The fact that she is only 3 years old and her father is so involved with teaching her and showing her the world through the internet inspires me to do the same with my daughter and son. I sat down with my daughter this week and read a blog about the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid". She wanted to leave a comment on the blog and I let her (using my Google account). A month ago, I would not have let her leave a comment. Kaia's father inspired me to show my children the world and let them interact with it. I have always been very protective about what my children see online and they have had very limited exposure. Am I really protecting them? What better way to learn about things than with me right beside them where I can answer questions and teach them as we experience things together.
I love the fact that Kaia's dad is so involved in her learning. I believe parental involvement is key to a successful academic career. Mr. Chamberlain's class commenting on Kaia's blog has opened up a channel of communication that is invaluable. Kaia and Mr. Chamberlain's class have been able to learn through their communication and, more importantly, have learned that they can communicate with people from around the world. This knowledge fascinates me, but to them it is or will be a way of life.


This week I commented on Harlem's first imovie. My comment was "I enjoyed watching your first imovie. You did a great job. You spoke very clearly. Was this your first visit to the farm?"


  1. I completely agree about parental involvement being vital to a child's academic career. Kaia's father is doing a wonderful job at involving his 3 year old daughter.

  2. I still get goosebumps when I think of how this happened and the impact it has had. Kayla did not think it at all unusual. But I did and do!

  3. Parental involvement is critical to a child's academic career. The problem is for students who have parents that are not involved, because as future teachers we have to be able to reach them regardless of their parental situation.
