Monday, March 1, 2010

Project 4: My PLN

PLN wordle
When I first started looking for resources for my PLN, I was not sure what I was doing, what I would need a PLN for, or how to go about setting it up. One day, I decided to Google new teachers to see what I could come up with. I was amazed at how many websites there are for and about new teachers. It is wonderful to have a network to be able to go to to ask questions or look for answers. I am using Delicious to keep track of my PLN. I have chosen a few websites with links to specific blogs or information that are of interest to me now and will be when I begin teaching. Two of my sites include New Teacher Survival Central and TeacherLingo. I think both of these sites will be very helpful to me when I get into a classroom if not before.

1 comment:

  1. Some more suggestions:
    Beth Still suggests this Instant PLN to create a list of teachers to follow. Also you should read this NY Times article Getting the Most Out of Twitter

    And be sure you look at David and Jacki's new blog Mathis Gorski EDM310 Projects

    You also cannot afford to miss Jackie's own personal account of her PLN development The Evolution of My PLN - Initial Post
